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Walk on International Volunteer Day 2012 PDF Print E-mail

5th December, 2012, Islamabad: National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) has organized National Walk on the occasion of International Volunteer’s Day seeking the importance of the day as an international observance designated by the United Nations since 1985.The declared aim of this activity is to appreciate the volunteers for their efforts and increase public awareness on their contribution to society. The day is celebrated in most of the countries in the world.

Chairperson NCHD Dr. Nafisa Shah in her message on International Volunteer’s Day stated, “Volunteerism for Community Development (VCD) Program is the custodian of volunteerism in NCHD. It directly fulfills the community participation in line with the organizational mission with strict adherence to the Ordinance. All the volunteers identified and trained for support of various programs implemented by the orgainzation, are registered with VCD which undertakes the tasks in connection with achievement of MDGs and Education for All (EFA).

Students, Volunteers of various universities and participants from different public and private sector organizations participated in the Walk to highlight the importance of Volunteerism for uplift of the unfortunates and marginalized communities in Pakistan. The participants hailed the work of NCHD to promote volunteerism in Pakistan; they appreciated the efforts of NCHD in creating awareness among the masses and to mobilize volunteers to pay their due share in improving the quality of deprived communities in the country.

Mr. Zamrud Khan as a chief guest applauded the good efforts of NCHD in promoting volunteerism in the country and expressed, “We all know that the task of protecting human dignity and achieving noble goals such as eradicating poverty and hunger, intolerance and discrimination, and other threats to human dignity would be impossible without the energy and dedication of volunteers. The task goes beyond merely protecting human dignity. We need to actively promote human dignity. I can think of no better way to do so than through volunteering. Volunteering plays a vital transforming role in society”.

The day ended with the vote of thanks by the participants and speakers of the occasion to the millions of volunteers that every day put their humanitarian principles into action without which the dream of human dignity for all would be impossible.