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Ex-Chairperson's Message on International Women's Day 2013 PDF Print E-mail

Ex-Chairperson’s Message on International Women's Day 2013

“A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”. Quoting the Theme set by UN on International Women’s Day 2013, I join women around the country in solidarity for human rights, dignity and equality. This sense of mission drives me and millions of people around the country to pursue justice and inclusion. I applaud every individual, government and organizations working for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Rural women everywhere face gender-related constraints that limit their access to decent work as well as their productivity. Enhancement of women’s productive capacity depends on better access to decent jobs and control over productive resources. If they are given the opportunity to realize their full potential all stand to benefit.

In education sector about 41 million girls do not go to school, too many women are without even basic health care, and too often women are still deemed unable or unsuitable to work. Women comprise around 43 per cent of the agricultural labor force in developing countries, and more than 70 per cent of the labor force in some agriculture-intensive economies. Working as farmers, wage laborers, and entrepreneurs, rural women also take on a disproportionate share of the responsibility of caring for children and the elderly. Through these multiple roles rural women have a fundamental part to play in achieving rural development.

It is time for change and it is time to recall that there is a way out of poverty.

A decent work approach can go a long way towards closing the gender gap in agriculture and enabling rural women to work out of poverty.

NCHD has signed an agreement with Government of Sindh province to provide opportunities for skill development to approximately 45,000 semi literate and educated unemployed women in Sindh in which they will be offered various skill development opportunities and job oriented certification courses. This will help contain poverty and improve the socio economic conditions of common citizens. NCHD through its well trained workforce and outreach to the grass roots will help in identification of the suitable candidates for training and establishment of training centers.

On this International Women’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to women’s rights and move forward with courage and determination. Let us defend human rights, the inherent dignity and worth of the humanity and the equal rights of men and women.

Nafisa Shah, MNA
Chairperson NCHD