Condolence Message on the Demise of Dr. Mushtaq A. Khan
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Condolence Message on the Demise of Dr. Mushtaq A. Khan PDF Print E-mail

With profound grief and sorrow we announce the death of our member of the commission Dr. Mushtaq A. Khan. He passed away on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at Islamabad. All the member of the Boards of National Commission of Human Development (NCHD) and Pakistan Human Development Fund (PHDF) and the staff of NCHD share the sorrow, as Dr. Mushtaq, Indeed, was a sincere friend and worker of NCHD and PHDF and his professionalism, knowledge and experience contributed immensely to the accomplishments ever since the inception of NCHD and PHDF.

May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace and give his family the strength to bear this tragic loss. May Allah be with them through their most difficult time.