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National Literacy Year 2010 extended to 2011 PDF Print E-mail

The Steering Committee for National Literacy Year (NLY) Campaign comprising of NCHD and Ministry of Education met on December 23, 2010 in Islamabad.  The Steering Committee for NLY approved the extension of NLY from 2010 to 2011 due to the devastating floods in 2010.

Federal Minister for Education Sardar Assef Ahmad Ali at this occasion urged the provinces to actively participate in the NLY 2011 campaign for the promotion of literacy in the country.

Federal Minister for Education said that after the 18th amendment and NFC award, provinces are empowered and should actively participated in education and literacy campaigns. Provincial events/ meetings should also be arranged by National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) to highlight the literacy issues in which provincial Governors and Chief Ministers should participate.

The Education Minister further stressed that all provincial ministers and MNAs/ MPAs regardless of their portfolios should participate in the literacy campaigns in their respective districts to make the effort a success. Sardar Assef also urged the provinces to adopt the logo of National Literacy Year launched by NCHD in all their events and activities.

Chairperson NCHD Ms. Nafisa Shah welcomed all the participants. She said that there were devastating floods in the country which have affected the implementation of activities planned to observe National Literacy Year 2010. She also proposed that the literacy year should be extended to year 2011. Ms. Nafisa Shah said that the situation of literacy in Pakistan is grim and extra ordinary steps required to achieve the “Education For All” (EFA) goals.

Director General NCHD Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad made presentation on content of observing National Literacy Year by Government of Pakistan and the plan for the NLY 2011. The participant of the meeting from all four provinces and from AJK presented their plan regarding the literacy program. Federal Secretary of Education and Provincial Secretary Punjab were also present in the meeting.