A memorandum of understanding was signed worth Rs. 164.962 M, between National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) and Provincial Coordination Unit (PCU) Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program (BBSYDP) on September 27, 2010 for forging mutual support to achieve their goals and objectives to promote Skill Development for Youth. The MoU constitutes an implementation framework for a short-term skill development program.

The Program is aimed at training 8, 750 trainees, divided over 4 batches, through

NCHD in the field of tailoring and stitching. The parties will join hands for one month that shall come to an end on June 30, 2011. In case of an encouraging response and / or a higher demand, both parties, through mutual agreement, may increase enrollment by adding additional sections subject to availability of capacity.

The government of Sindh through PCU BBSYDP shall finance the training where

1.    Stipend cost of Trainees is Rs. Rs. 87.50 M

2.    Training cost, including payment to trainers and material development is Rs. 67.830 M

3.    Administration cost is Rs. 9.632 M

The signatory parties were Mr. Karim Bakhsh Siddiqi, Provincial Coordinator, PCU BBSYDP Sindh and Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad, Director General NCHD.

Skills development program initiated by NCHD in collaboration with Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program (BBSYDP) aims at meaningful rehabilitation, improved living standards and enhanced income generation.

MoU can be accessed through Facebook link on NCHD website

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