
President’s Message

Honorable President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari (Patron-in-chief NCHD)

“I urge the educational planners adopt multi-pronged strategy for the eradication of illiteracy and provision of education to all: children, youth, and adults. To ensure that, I propose the formation of a high level National Literacy Council convened by the Prime Minister and include Chief Ministers, Federal and Provincial Ministers for Education, Finance and Planning as its members.”

Prime Minister’s Message

Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani

“NCHD is the lead agency for literacy in Pakistan, which has been recognized by UNESCO. This national forum needs our combined efforts. I ensure full support of my government to this national body and urge the provincial governments work out a coordinated mechanism for ensuring universal literacy in minimum possible time.”

Chairperson’s Message

It is a great pleasure for me to join NCHD family as Chairperson. I would like to thank the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Honorable Asif Ali Zardari, and the Prime Minister, Honorable Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, for providing me this opportunity to serve the country….

National Commission for Human Development is a not for profit organization with the mission to transform lives by improving access to basic education and healthcare in the country’s poorest communities. NCHD is the leading agency fighting illiteracy in 134 districts of Pakistan and helping people to find routes out of ignorance.
With nationwide network of 101 Human Development Support Units situated all over Pakistan and hands-on-experience, NCHD aims at enlarging the scale and scope of the efforts made by the government in ensuring the effective provision of social services. It perceives human development as a process of enlarging choices, building capacities and encouraging participation of communities at the grass roots. To ensure this, NCHD is directed towards supporting government line departments, civil society organizations and the local communities in the sectors of education, basic health care and income generating activities at the grassroots.

NCHD identifies, and consequently presents innovative and cost effective solutions to fill implementation gaps, building the capacities of the involved agencies and stakeholders to effectively address the issues hampering the process. Through extensive training programs and capacity building workshops which cater to all the stakeholders involved in the process, NCHD helps ensure a lasting impact. These capacity building exercises are targeted towards Government Line departments, community based organizations and the community.

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