What We Do

We are functioning as the support agency providing both the provincial and federal governments with the technical and hands-on experience to achieve both Education for All and Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan.


We seek a literate and healthy nation, where government is empowered to provide basic education and health facilities to all. Our vision is to learn from the experiences of both public and private sectors at national and international level, identify best practices and use them for effecting improvements in the social sectors in Pakistan.

As the leading organization for Literacy in Pakistan, National Commission for Human Development is striving to empower the people at the grassroots to become the agents of social change.


“Our mission is to support the government by filling the implementation gaps and improve public sector delivery mechanisms to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and “Education For All” with focus on:

Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and empower women

Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality

Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health”

We are deeply committed to promoting learning for all people-especially for the most vulnerable adults and children who are most difficult to reach. The basic NCHD strategy is to introduce a process complimenting the ongoing efforts to achieve MDGs in Pakistan.


Developing an operational framework to introduce processes that remain consistent with the objective of achieving the MDGs has been one of the cornerstones of NCHD’s strategy. NCHD has adopted an innovative strategy for improving the state of human development, directly focused on people’s needs by acting as a support organization at the grassroots to fill the implementation gaps through community participation.

The core of NCHD strategy lies with:

  1. Public Private Partnership
  2. Capacity Building of Government Line Departments, Community Organizations and Elected Officials
  3. Community partnership and Ownership

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