Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most common questions we get asked with their answers. If you don’t find an answer to your question please contact us.
Q: What is NCHD?
The National Commission for Human Development is an autonomous body set up by the Government of Pakistan in 2002 to promote human development.

Q: Why was NCHD set up?
In 2001 the President of Pakistan established a Task Force on Human Development to suggest ways to tackle Pakistan’s chronically poor human development indicators. The Task Force identified lack of capacity, lack of community participation, poor planning and coordination, and lack of resources as some of the reasons for under-development. Its recommendations included setting up a National Commission to provide implementation support at grassroots level.

Q: What does NCHD do?
NCHD provides support to Government line departments, NGOs and district governments in delivery of primary education, promoting literacy and provision of basic health care services. NCHD fills the gaps in education and health service delivery.

Q: What is NCHD’s strategy?
NCHD takes a holistic approach to human development, focusing on people’s needs rather than individual service sectors. It works through existing frameworks, building capacity, raising awareness, promoting community participation and volunteerism, and encouraging public-private partnerships.

Q: What specific programs is NCHD implementing?
NCHD’s core programs are in education and health care. Education programs include the Universal Primary Education, Adult Literacy Centres, Non-Formal Basic Education and Community Feeder Schools. Health care programs include ORS Training, Primary Health Care Extension, School Health Program and Basic Health Education. NCHD also has programs for capacity-building and promoting volunteerism, as well as for earthquake relief.

Q: Where is NCHD operating?
NCHD started its operations in 2002 in just two districts, Mardan and Narowal. Since then it has expanded, and its programs are now being implemented in 95 districts. By September 2009, NCHD plans to be operational in 117 districts across Pakistan in Universal Primary Education and Literacy.

Q: How is NCHD funded?
NCHD programs are funded through public-private partnerships, with major contributions coming from the Government of Pakistan. Resources are also mobilized globally by the Pakistan Human Development Fund (PHDF), an autonomous body run by an independent Board of Directors. The PHDF ensures the sustainability of NCHD’s work. All headquarter costs are met from an Endowment Fund, and overheads/administration costs account for just 15% of total expenditure.

Q: How is NCHD run?
NCHD has a five-member Board, comprising eminent social sector experts. NCHD’s headquarters are located in Islamabad, but its projects are run by NCHD teams living in the districts where NCHD operates: these provide on-ground support to local communities.

Q: What has NCHD achieved to date?
During last six years NCHD has managed to make a significant contribution to improving primary education and health care provision in Pakistan, with millions of beneficiaries. Perhaps more important is the way these results have been achieved: promoting public-private partnerships, building capacities, mobilizing communities to help themselves.

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