

  • To improve the quality of literacy programs in public, private and civil society Organizations.
  • To provide capacity building support and professional development support to the literacy organizations at all levels.


  • To provide capacity building support and professional development support to the Literacy organizations at all levels.
  • To develop Literacy Training Modules as and when needed.
  • To analyze the available literacy materials and will suggest measures to improve the document on the basis of research.
  • To provide a Forum to the literacy professionals to discuss their issues and receive solutions from the Center.
  • To carryout impact assessments of the ongoing literacy programs and suggest changes based on the findings of the assessment. The Resource Center will also carry out other research activities.
  • Helping the government to develop and implement the National Literacy Curriculum and helping community organizations to adapt the curriculum to local needs.
  • Forming network with all organizations working in the field of literacy, post-literacy and continuing education.
  • To develop literacy materials as and when required, keeping in view the needs of the learners.
  • To analyze the National Literacy Curriculum frequently and provide feedback to the Curriculum Wing based on the findings from grass roots to the top level.